Field Trips

Bugesera Site - TREPA Project
Map of Bugesera District

Bugesera District, Eastern Province of Rwanda

Bugesera District, located in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, lies adjacent to the capital city, Kigali. It is bordered by Ngoma, Kirehe, and Nyamata districts and shares a border with Tanzania. The region is prone to droughts due to its higher-than-average daytime temperatures and lower precipitation compared to the rest of Rwanda.

Despite these challenges, Bugesera is known for its strategic location, fertile land, and rapidly growing infrastructure, making it a significant contributor to Rwanda's development. Bugesera is predominantly flat, characterized by vast plains, with a few rolling hills in certain areas.

Project Goals: To achieve a paradigm shift in land management practices in Rwanda's Eastern Province from landscapes that are degraded, fragile and unable to sustain livelihoods in the face of climate change to restored ecosystems and landscapes through building community resilience to enhance livelihoods, food and water security of the most vulnerable rural population.


  • Restored landscapes that support climate resilient agro-ecological systems and livelihoods in Eastern Province (Targets: 60,000Ha and Improved Cooking Stoves disseminated to 100,000 Households)
  • Market and value chain development for climate resilient agriculture and tree products linked to financial products and services for sustainable management of ago-ecological systems
  • Strengthening of enabling environment to effectively plan, manage and monitor climate adaptation from improved land use at national and decentralized levels

Target Population:
556,252 Direct beneficiaries
1,364,185 Indirect beneficiaries

Key achievements:

  • 12,671 Ha restored on 28 Agroforestry and Private Forest landscapes
  • 750 ha restored around protected areas
  • 7,000 Improved Cooking Stoves disseminated to 7,000 Households

Don't miss the chance to engage with real-world agroforestry solutions.

Gicumbi Site - Green Gicumbi Project
Map of Gicumbi District

Gicumbi District, Northern Province of Rwanda

Gicumbi District is located in the Northern Province of Rwanda, characterized by its mountainous terrain and cooler climate. The district is known for its beautiful highlands, tea plantations, and abundant rainfall, making it ideal for certain agricultural practices.

Project Goals: Strengthening Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Northern Rwanda - The Green Gicumbi project aims to reduce vulnerability to climate change by enhancing the adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities and reducing their exposure to climate risks through integrated watershed management, sustainable forest management, and climate-resilient agriculture.
Budget: 32M USD over 6 years (Started 2019)
Watershed Protection and Climate Resilient Agriculture
Sustainable Forest Management and Sustainable Energy
Climate Resilient Settlements
Knowledge Transfer and Mainstreaming

Project Area:
The project covers 9 Sectors within the Muvumba B sub-catchment (Rubaya, Cyumba, Kaniga, Mukarange, Rushaki, Shangasha, Manyagiro, Byumba, and Bwisige), comprising around 252 villages.

Direct beneficiaries (45% Female)
Indirect beneficiaries (52% Female)

Key Achievements:

  • 9,790 Hectares planted with agroforestry (Target: 9,790)
  • 1,375 Hectares of agricultural land planted with protective forestry on river banks, roads, and gullies
  • 1,744 Hectares of degraded forest rehabilitated (Target: 2,261)
  • 31,160 Households supported with improved cooking stoves (Target: 29,872)
  • 70 Schools supported with institutional large stoves (Target: 100)
  • 40 Hectares of high elevation established with coffee plantation (Target: 40)
  • 50 Hectares of high elevation established with tea plantation (Target: 50)
  • 10 Households supported with biogas systems (Target: 10)
  • 245 Milk cows distributed to vulnerable families (65% gave birth)
  • 10 Honey cooperatives supported with 300 beehives and 1 established honey processing factory
  • 100 Climate-resilient dwelling units constructed for vulnerable families relocated from high-risk areas
  • 45,000 Green jobs created through project interventions
  • 3 Weather and climate services rolled out

The Green Gicumbi Project, executed by the Rwanda Green Fund, has successfully restored critical watershed functions that support Gicumbi District's mostly rural population. The project has strengthened climate resilience through climate-smart agriculture, sustainable forest management, and the creation of alternative livelihoods, helping communities shift away from subsistence farming on marginal lands.

Join us to witness how the Green Gicumbi Project is transforming rural communities through innovative climate adaptation practices!